Date: 30/05/2013

WHERE on earth does the world’s most corrupt, treacherous and indolent Government expect their armed forces to be upright, loyal, efficient, professional and corruption free, i.e., the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of their superiors’ conduct, loyalty, actions, intentions and performance?

Where else in modern times, apart from Hitler’s brainwashed generals, do the generals and the defence chiefs swear blind loyalty till death, serving without qualms and conscience and without the thought of questioning or doubting, the world’s most VISIBLE dirty, corrupt, partisan, immoral and ruthless civilian superiors under the same POLITICAL Dynasty, the same POLITICAL Party and the same POLITICAL ideology, decade after decade, till the country erupts in revolts and massacres, assassinations, arson and beheadings till at last CIVIL WAR brings about total anarchy, mayhem and chaos in which all, civil & military, PERISH and the world sees new maps in which vast territories are seen MISSING?

No brains required for the answers!
30 May 2013.