Date: 22/05/2013

Christianity and Islam are cults invented to enslave humanity. Christianity and Islam have been created to reduce human beings into dinosaurs. Why should we allow such Indian Constitution survive, which has provided unfettered fundamental right to Muslims and Christians to slay us as per Article 29(1)? It is time to wake up and fight against these cults, as they are threat to humankind and there can be no co-existence with Muslims and Christians.

As long as Muslims and Christians believe in Muhammad and Jesus, they are a threat to others and even to themselves. Secularism and Multiculturalism is bankrupt against Judaism's, Christianity's & Islam's demand for every civilization to submit. {Azaan, (Koran, 2:191-194 and 8:39) and (Bible, Exodus/ Chapter 20 / The Ten Commandments/ Verses 3 and 5 and Luke 19:27)}. The culture of tolerance collapses in the face of the sacred intolerance of dualistic ethics. Intellectuals respond by ignoring the failure. (No freedom of faith).

Muslims and Christians must leave their Christianity and Islam, discard their cultures of hate (Azaan that Allah is the only God and declaration that Jesus alone can grant salvation) and join the rest of humankind as fellow humans, or non-Muslims and non-Christians must separate themselves from them, ban Christianity and Islam, end the immigration of Muslims and Christians and slay those, who plot against humanity and refuse to integrate.

Christianity and Islam are incompatible with humanity and morality. These are warring creeds {(Koran 2:216 and 8:65) and (Bible, Matt 10:34 and Luke 12:49)} that use democracy to destroy humanity and to establish itself as a worldwide dictatorship. The only way to avert the clash between this barbarity and civilization and a world disaster, is to expose the fallacies of Christianity and Islam and demystify them. Muslims and Christians must be weaned from Christianity and Islam for humanity to live in peace.
