Date: 05 Jan 2012


IT IS IN THE NATURE OF ISLAM to treat the NON Muslims in this way. Muslims even do not hesitate from killing and blowing up fellow Muslims as we see daily. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ In Pakistan adbuction and murder and demands for ransom and kidnapping of minor girls and violation and abuse of even baby girls is a daily routine. Islam is totally a DEPRAVED religion (if we could call it religion). \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Non Muslim countries (UNDER ATTACK now) ought to be most wary of Muslims living and MULTIPLYING in them. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\6 Jan 12. ============= \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ In a message dated 03/01/2012 04:10:42 GMT Standard Time, lin_da2018@yahoo.com writes: The silence of government and media worldwide on the horrendous suffering of non-Muslim innocents is unforgivable. Their sinful silence aids and abets global jihad. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ humanrights.asia: PAKISTAN: A lawyer from Hindu community is missing and police refuse to register the case claiming that the abduction of Hindus is of no consequence. December 30, 2011 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The abductors have asked for ransom of Rs. 10 million but still the police refuse to register the case and are also not investigating it as the abductions of Hindus are not a new thing and the routine business of Muslim fundamentalist groups. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ It is feared by his family that he would be killed if he does not embrace Islam or pay the ransom. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The Hindu community remains under threats of abduction, forced conversion to Islam and persecution in the name of blasphemy since many years by the fundamentalist religious organizations that operate through their seminaries (Madressas). Most of the Madressas are not registered by the government but are free to operate with the patronage of the police. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ It is alleged that provincial police know that he has been abducted by the Muslim religious groups who are operating freely in the areas of the Hindu population in the rural parts of the province through the seminaries. Forced conversion to Islam by the abduction of girls and their forcibly marriage to Muslims is common. The situation of abduction, rape and forced conversion has reached such a position that many Hindu families migrated to India among them are also Hindu legislators. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Murders, kidnappings, looting of Hindu families are on high all around the Pakistan. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Fear has spread among the Sikhs and Hindus of Pakistan after the atrocious beheading incident involving a young Sikh man because of his refusal to convert. Furthermore, the Pakistani State has failed to protect the rights of the religious minorities which has left them feeling helpless while living with daily fear. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ A Hindu is being beaten by the Muslim clergy to convert to Islam. Photo by Chakra website. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The Asian Human Rights Commission has estimated that every year more Christians and Hindus are forcibly converted to Islam. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ http://www.humanrights.asia/news/urgent-appeals/AHRC-UAC-252-2011 Click on above link for whole article. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Historian Will Durant: "The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex of order and freedom, culture and peace, can at any moment be overthrown by barbarians invading from without or multiplying within." \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Bible: And God said, "What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground." Genesis 4:10 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ http://www.politicalislam.com/tears/pages/tears-of-jihad/ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Tears of Jihad. These figures are a rough estimate of the death of non-Muslims by the political act of jihad. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ For 25 million slaves delivered to the market, we have an estimated death of about 120 million people. Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Africa. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 120 million Africans \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 60 million Christians \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The country of India today is only half the size of ancient India, due to jihad. The mountains near India are called the Hindu Kush, meaning the “funeral pyre of the Hindus.” \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 80 million Hindus \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ In jihad only Christians and Jews were allowed to survive as dhimmis (servants to Islam); everyone else had to convert or die. Jihad killed the Buddhists in Turkey, Afghanistan, along the Silk Route, and in India. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 10 million Buddhists \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ This gives a rough estimate of 270 million killed by jihad.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ http://www.politicalislam.com/tears/pages/tears-of-jihad/ ========================================================= 000000000