Date: 27 Oct 2011


PLEASE ACT. IF YOU ARE NOT INDIAN CITIZEN, URGE THOSE YOU KNOW WHO ARE. ----\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Date: Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 8:11 AM Subject: You too can file FIR against Sonia on Communl Violence Bill \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ On 25th October 2011, we circulated the letter dt. 24th October 2011 written by Dr Subramanian Swamy to the Crime Branch of Delhi Police to register FIR against Sonia Gandhi as Chairman of NAC for proposing the Communal Violence Bill. \\\\\\\\\\\\ If you feel strongly against the Communal Violence Bill and want to do something against it here is what you may do.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ You too as resident Indian in India can file similar complaint against Sonia Gandhi.\\\\\\\\\\\\\ All you have to do is to take the letter of Dr Swamy ( circulated earlier) and insert your name and residential address as the writer and address the letter with fresh date to your local police station to the Police station in-charge in the area you reside. \\\\\\\\\\ Take an acknowledgement from the Police station alternatively you may send the letter by Registered Post in case the local police station is making a fuss to accept the letter.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ If you have a friendly local lawyer whom you trust please take his help to complete the process further as given below. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Again as circulated earlier the Press Note of Dr Swamy dr 25th October if the local police station refuses to register a FIR you as a citizen have a right to move the Court to get the FIR registered and your local lawyer can assist you. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Groups of individuals and like-minded citizens should resort to this method to seek justice. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Collective efforts will help and we must do this as many places as possible and expose the sinister design of the vested interests against the Hindus. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ For further details please contact us on our email address. -- \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ "From their (Muslims' and Christians') arguments in opposition to the draft bill, it is clear that they wanted a bill that would consider only the Christians and Muslims as the "generally targeted" victims of communal violence; and that the word 'communal violence' be re-defined in such a way that only the Muslims and Christians are treated as victims and Hindus as predators, and that the local police and administration, including the state administration, considered hand-in-glove with the perpetrators of violence," Swamy noted. \\\\\\\\\\ The NAC was re-constituted in 2009 by the UPA government again under the chairmanship of Sonia Gandhi. The UPA government promptly handed over the re-drafting of the bill to the newly constituted NAC and asked it to come up with a fresh draft, Swamy added. \\\\\\\\\\\\\ He thus noted, "The object of the re-drafted bill thus was the basic premise of the NAC that the majority community -- read Hindus -- are the perpetrators of communal violence in India and the minority -- read Muslims and Christians -- are the victims, clearly is incitement of religious strife." \\\\\\\\\\\\ "What is more important is to conclude is that in all cases of communal and targeted violence, dominant religious and linguistic group at the state level is always the perpetrator and the other the victims. Similarly the conclusion that the state machinery is invariably and always biased against the non-dominant group is a gross misstatement of the sincerity and commitment of millions of people who form state administration in the country," Swamy said. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ "This dangerous premise is the incitement of communal strife in this bill," he added. Swamy went on to say, "One can safely conclude that the script writers of this bill are themselves blinded with religious biases. In India communal violence happens mostly because of politico-communal reasons. In many instances, as documented by several commissions of inquiry, it is the so-called minority group that triggers the trouble. We hence need laws that can prevent such violence irrespective of whoever perpetrates it. To argue that since the administration is always biased in favour of the dominant group we need acts that are biased in favour of the non-dominant group is imprudent and puerile." \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ "The present draft bill will only promote disharmony. With these kind of laws the LeTs (Lashkar-e-Tayiba) and HuJIs (Harkat-ul-Jihadi Islami) across the border need not have to promote terrorism in our territory anymore. All that they need to do is to encourage a minor communal riot and they can achieve what they want -- huge rift between the majority and minority communities," he added. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ "Hence, the NAC, with Sonia Gandhi as chairperson, and other members have jointly committed offences under IPC Sections 153A & B, 295A, and 505," Swamy concluded. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ -Asian Tribune- 000000000