Date: 24 Jan 2011


Book on Islam banned, author R.V. Bhasin’s house raided in Mumbai – April 2007 Posted by jagoindia on October 22, 2008 \\\\\\\\ i 1 Vote \\\\\\\\\\ This notorious event took place in 2007. There has been some further developments. Click here \\\\\\\\\\\ April 7, 2007 , Book on Islam Banned, Author’s house raided in Mumbai \\\\\\\\\\\ Mumbai: Mr. R.V. Bhasin, Advocate, Supreme Court and a former Air Force Officer, has authored many books on Islam and Hinduism. The Government of Maharashtra has recently banned one of his books titled “ISLAM – A Concept of Political World Invasion by Muslims”. \\\\\\\\ On 5th April 2007, police raided his residence at Colaba and have confiscated about 1000 copies of the book which was published in English and Hindi. The raid was conducted by the Marine Drive Police Station and lasted for nearly four hours, from 11.00 am till 3.00 p.m, when Mr. Bhasin was away attending some court cases. \\\\\\\\\\ In an interview to Hindu Voice correspondent, Mr. Bhasin said that he is happy that he has been exalted to the position of Salman Rushide and Taslima Nasreen, by the Maharashtra Government. He, a Supreme Court Lawyer himself, is determined to fight it out in the court of law. \\\\\\\\\\\ Mr. Bhasin informed that he will be moving the High Court in Mumbai within a day or two, praying for returning of his books. The police raid and the subsequent confiscation of his books are a gross violation of his fundamental rights, he said. Whether we live in a free and democratic country, Mr. Bhasin wonders.\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Source: Hindu Voice\\\\\\\\\ 000000000