Muslims in Britain Beat British Protesters

Date: 10 Aug 2009


We received the following e-mail from an Indian Discussion List. We were greatly perturbed over it for various reasons.

The first is the LAW OF IDEOLOGY that dictates, "The peace and prosperity of a country depend on its MAJORITY community dominating their territory in a virile and manly manner." 

In this case the "majority community" are the native CHRISTIAN BRITONS. So, what can be the impact of this news on the world at large? And what are the STRATEGIC (long term) implications of the AUDACITY and 'PROPENSITY TO VIOLENCE & AGGRESSION' of the Muslim MINORITY in this country?

India's MAJORITY COMMUNITY, the Hindus, became soft, philosophical, spiritual, morally superior and comfort loving. The result? The Muslim MINORITY became the wolves for the Hindu sheep. TWO MILLION were slaughtered in ONE year (1947) and 15 million driven out of their homes. One third of India vanished from the map. Should Britain not foresee, or prepare for, THAT fate?

Another aspect is the IMAGE of a people. Obviously THIS news and the earlier one of our gallant troops being ridiculed and insulted in LUTON, point to an attempt to damage the image of British army and society. Is it being replaced by savage ISLAMIC culture of street violence, bombs on tubes & trains, in hotels, drugs, seduction of girls and very high rate of reproduction under some hidden (NOT ANY MORE) agenda?

The future is either to IGNORE the growing "enemy within" due to "political correctness", or to activate our PUBLICITY wing to clearly convey the message to the British people of the CORE BELIEF of the Muslims and either demand a REVISION OF KORAN (e.g., to delete the derogatory words like "Infidel", "Kafir", etc.) or REPATRIATION of the Muslims to their ISLAMIC republics from where they came. 

An ISLAMIC republic, being a THEOCRATIC State under Laws of Allah, cannot refuse to accept or revoke the citizenship of any Muslim citizen, and MUST take these people back under SHARIA LAW.

It was suggested some time ago that a Muslim on being rewarded with British passport ought to sign a Declaration saying, "I PUT CROWN ABOVE KORAN!" At present as everyone knows Koran is the LITERAL word of God and definitely above any human or church authority on earth. Muslim clerics and scholars advise their young NOT to join the police or army of this country as they may be asked to defend the NON MUSLIM ruler and his/her realm.

We need to send FIVE MEP's to Brussels and at least 20 MP's to Westminster now.

Following from INDIA:

(Quote) Chickens have come home to roost.  British thought if they created Islamic monster like Pakistan it will hurt interests of only India. They had a habit of prattling about human rights when India had to deal with terrorism of Pakistan and Kashmiris.   Now British are paying for their sins. Good that they are learning a bitter lesson.

Date: Monday, 10 August, 2009, 11:53 AM
Muslims in Britain Beat British Protesters
http://www.faithfre 2009/08/09/ muslims-in- britain-beat- british-proteste rs/ 

 Muslims in Britain beating a British protester 
LONDON (Reuters) – Police arrested 33 people when violence erupted in the centre of Birmingham on Saturday after a protest against Islamic fundamentalism and a counter-demonstrati on.
“Officers were deployed throughout the city centre to manage the two separate protests which took place this afternoon. We can confirm 33 arrests have been made to date — the majority for disorder,” West Midlands Police said.
One person needed hospital treatment, a spokesman for the ambulance service said.
Police were unable to estimate the total number of demonstrators from either of the two groups involved, the English and Welsh Defence League, which was protesting against Islamic fundamentalism, and Unite Against Fascism.
“To date there has been one report of criminal damage to a car, although we expect further reports. We have also had reports of two people being injured and no known injuries to police officers,” the police said.
Blogs promoting the English and Welsh Defence League said the group grew out of dissatisfaction with an Islamist protest in Luton in March against the homecoming parade of British troops who had served in Afghanistan.
(Reporting by David Milliken) (UNQUOTE)