Date: 16 Jun 2008


 V SUNDARAM - June 12, 2008

I have been presenting different parts of the brilliant affidavit filed by Kornstein Veisz Wexler & Pollard, LP, New York, the Attorneys for Narain Kataria and Arish Sahani, in the libel case filed against them by INOCInc. in the Supreme Court in the State of New York USA.

Today I am going to deal with one of the statements in that affidavit relating to the Himalayan fraud and political corruption (legitimate father of all financial corruption!) of Sonia Gandhi and her family in the full page advertisement that appeared in New York Times on October 6, 2007 and against which a Libel Petition has been filed by INOC Inc. in the New York Supreme Court.I am referring to Statement No.2 in that advertisement which reads as follows:  

2. `From the time Sonia entered India, she has looted the country on a large scale’. 
INOC have objected to this statement. Sonia Gandhi’s acts of Himalayan corruption have been graphically brought out by Dr. Subramanian Swamy in his website under the title `Know your Sonia’.

If Dr. Swamy’s allegations were false, Sonia could have easily issued a legal notice regarding her defamation to Dr. Swamy in the same way in which INOC Inc. have issued to Narain Kataria and Arish Sahani. I propose to deal with this aspect in a detailed and documented manner with reference to the available information regarding several deeds and misdeeds of corruption of Sonia Gandhi and her family. 

The mass media in India — I mean the pseudo-secular mafia (not very different from Italian mafia!) of mass media in India _will black out all news relating to the political exposures of the known murky deeds of Sonia Gandhi by her political opponents. The daily tone for this type of prejudiced, lopsided and even criminal approach to news reporting and dissemination of information is set by our own surrogate Prime Minister who never loses an opportunity to extol Sonia Gandhi as `the tallest leader in our Country’. 

The time tested and proven bulletproof armor of every ambitious Congressman lies in open flattery and sycophancy. Nothing in the Sonia Congress Party succeeds like excess _excess of servility laced with excessive flattery and sycophancy. That is the only acid test of your `official’ performance as a Cabinet Minister. This gets proved by the reported fact that one of the disgusting and crawling Cabinet Ministers in the UPA Government described Sonia Gandhi as `a rare combination of Jesus Christ, Gautama Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi’. 
In order to understand the political issue of super-corruption of Sonia Gandhi, it is very necessary to go into the issue of the known public fraud of the story of her citizenship from 1968 till April 29, 1983.
Sonia married Rajiv Gandhi in 1968 but she retained her Italian citizenship till April 29, 1983, even though she could have applied for Indian citizenship in 1968 itself. Her continuance in India and her being part of Indira Gandhi’s household, as a foreign national from 1968 to April 29, 1983 was kept as a closely guarded political secret.
The pseudo-secular mafia of mass media extended its full cooperation to this subterranean, nationally subversive plot from 1968 to April 29, 1983.   

It was `The Pioneer’ newspaper in Delhi, which put an end to the prevailing confusion regarding the shady citizenship status of Sonia Gandhi in May 1999 when it published details about the grant of Indian citizenship to her.
After living in India as a foreign national (owing no allegiance whatsoever to the Indian State or the Indian Constitution) she applied for Indian citizenship on April 7, 1983 —15 years after her marriage to Rajiv Gandhi. She was granted Indian citizenship on April 30, 1983. Thus Sonia Gandhi proved that the Indian Citizenship Act is vulnerable and that she is invulnerable!    
To quote the brilliant words of A. Surya Prakash, Editor of a landmark book titled `Sonia under Scrutiny, Issue of Foreign Origin’: `Once it was public knowledge that she preferred to retain Italian citizenship for long years after her marriage, even though she was the daughter-in-law of India’s Prime Minister and lived in the Official residence of the Prime Minister, she began indulging in a bit of obfuscation. She has been saying that she accepted Indian citizenship the day she became Indira Gandhi’s bahu and that applying for citizenship was a `mere technicality’. All Italy-bound Indians must test Sonia’s theory of citizenship at the touchstone of Italian immigration! It is difficult to find another naturalized citizen who indulges in such dishonesty, but then let us not forget, that is `the stuff’ she is made of’. 

Thus Sonia clung to her Italian citizenship for 15 years after her marriage but strangely enough, she was able to get voting rights in India long before April 30, 1983! Just as she created a world record relating to her Cambridge University Qualifications, she also created a record by smuggling herself into the voters’ list in New Delhi in January 1980, using the high authority of the Prime Ministers’ [Indira Gandhi's] household which ran the office of the Prime Minister and indeed the whole of government of India those days! The name of Sanjay Gandhi, who died in a plane crash in June 1980, was deleted from the voters’ list when the Electoral Rolls were revised in 1981, but Sonia Gandhi’s name remained at No.388 in Polling Station 145 of New Delhi Parliamentary Constituency.

The point to be noted is that, Sonia was an Italian citizen and not an Indian Citizen. K.L.Sethi, the then Election Officer in Delhi, deleted her name, only after the eruption of a controversy in 1982. The fraudulent entry of Sonia at that time would have gone unnoticed but for Surya India, a news magazine edited by her estranged sister-in-law Menaka Gandhi, who raked up the issue. Her magazine did a cover story on Sonia Gandhi in October 1982, and asked how a citizen of Italy could be a voter in India. 

An official in Delhi’s Chief Electoral Office had told the `Surya India’ magazine at that time that it was a blatant violation of the Electoral Rules, but had pleaded his helplessness. That magazine also quoted him saying, `It is not for us to check whether applicant’s are bona fide citizens of this country. We expect only genuine citizens to enroll themselves. Besides, who can expect an official to question the veracity of statements made by a responsible member of the Prime Minister’s family when they go to crosscheck the Voters’ List?’ 
Even after this public exposure of electoral fraud, Sonia Gandhi re-entered the Voters’ List following a fresh revision in 1983. She was listed at Serial No.236 in Polling Station 140 of the New Delhi Parliamentary Constituency. It has been reported that she had not become an Indian citizen even at that time. 

She applied for Indian Citizenship on April 7, 1983 and was granted the same on April 30, 1983 _in a matter of 23 days.
Thus her re-entry into the Electoral Rolls of 1983 was also dubious because the qualifying date for entry into the Electoral Rolls was January 1 of 1983 and on that day Sonia Gandhi was a citizen of Italy.

Sonia Gandhi has therefore shown little respect for Indian Laws during her stay in India as a foreign national from 1968 and this gives us a sublime (as distinct from the `Staleness Doctrine’ of the Supreme Court of India!) glimpse of `the stuff’ she his made of.
According to the Representation of People Act, only Indian Citizens can be voters (unless she happens to be a Sonia!). Even according to our Supreme Court, perhaps, this type of rule of law (totally stale!) is just not applicable to Sonia Gandhi and her family who are accorded a `sublime’ status above the Law of the Constitution. 
Dr.Subramanain Swamy in a classic article has completely brought to the public view the lurid story relating to the Himalayan folly, fraud, force and farce of Sonia’s corruption.( )

She became loyal a bit late @