Date: 06 Jun 2007


Muslim Gangs out of Control! 
SIKH Youth & Community Leaders in Luton, Bedfordshire are appalled by the lack of action taken by the Police in protecting Sikh youth from racist Muslim gangs. This follows a brutal attack by 9 Muslim men on a single Sikh boy at Luton town centre in December. The CCTV footage of the attack was played to the Sikh Community, which has caused outrage. 

A local Sikh university student, Dalwinder Kaur says, “This has been happening for as long as I can remember, Muslim gangs, mainly Pakistani men bully and attack Indian youth and the sexual abuse of Indian girls is also very common.

Sikh Parents Warned over dangers from Internet perverts

Sikh Parents are being warned of hidden dangers in Internet chat rooms and friends-networks after a teenage girl was duped into meeting a 29-year-old Muslim man.

The man had introduced himself as a 17-year-old ‘Panjabi boy’ named ‘Jags’ when they first began swapping messages on Internet site

A counsellor working for Sikh Awareness Society (SAS) Manjit Kaur spoke to the 15-year-old girl about her frightening experience that began when she met someone on the Internet.

“I thought the boy I was meeting every night on the Internet was 17-years-old.”

"After a few weeks we started talking on the phone, nearly every night for hours," said the girl.

Eventually she agreed to meet him,

“He said he would send a taxi to pick me up and that I could stay with him in his hotel room.”

It turned out the taxi driver was ‘Jags’; real name Shazad Siraj from Bedford, Beds.

The Home Office is warning that up to one in five children could be in danger from these Internet abusers.
Paedophiles are regularly using Internet chat rooms to lure vulnerable children as young as 13, according to the disturbing report.

Manjit Kaur from SAS says;

“We have seen a steady increase in the number of abuse cases originating from the Internet. Older manipulative men are targeting naïve Sikh girls.”

“In most cases these men are Muslim, which goes to show that these are racially motivated cases of sexual exploitation. We urge all Sikh parents to lock down certain sites and keep the computer in a centrally located area; such as the living room.”

Manjit Kaur is working with the SAS Victim Rehabilitation Program and has given counselling to over 40 victims of racially motivated sexual exploitation.

“It is disappointing to see that the Sikh community at large is still unaware about these problems. This is largely due to the fact that these issues are still very much taboo in Panjabi culture. Therefore Sikh leaders are reluctant to openly talk about them” say Manjit Kaur.

Warning signs

How can you tell that your child may be a victim (or is being preyed upon) by a computer sex offender? If you have experienced any of the following, you have reason for concern.

Spending long hours online (especially in the evening)
Phone calls from people you don't know
Unsolicited gifts
Child turns off the computer when you enter the room
Withdrawal from family activities
Reluctance to discuss Internet activities 

Pakistani Men and their hidden fiancés 
My friend is a Turkish girl, she had a story for me and its one I have heard three times in the last 6 months. 
She went out with a Pakistani man for three years. He rang her one-day and said they needed to break up because his fiancé had arrived in the country. He has since decided to get married and his parents have no idea that this girlfriend of his even existed. Her life was completely ruined. 

For 3 years she suffered an abusive relationship, but every time she would try to leave, he persuaded her and sweet-talked her back.

That’s nearly as bad as this friend of mine Chan, she is Sikh and was dating a Pakistani for two years. The boys brother came round and said "Amir got married yesterday, I am so sorry". The worst bit was that he followed by mentioning to my friend that he was single and available. Unbelievable!!

Now she was Sikh so she should have known better but the Turkish girl was Muslim. I know a Bengali girl who was dumped when the guy’s parents suggested he get married, and again he didn’t have the guts to mention to mummy and daddy that he had a Bengali girlfriend.

I swear I only hear these complaints about Pakistani boys. 
Pakistani boys in my area tend to have a reputation where they ‘use and abuse’ anyone who is not Pakistani then marry their cousins from Pakistan. I find this deeply upsetting as its shameful especially when you have wasted 3 years of a girl’s life.

Priya Parikh 23 Luton 

Muslims Planning to enter Gurdwara’s to Convert Sikhs! 

Members of an online Islamic forum that has over 3000 regular members and hundreds of hits per hour are planning on entering Sikh Gurdwara Sahibs in the hope to convert Sikhs to Islam.

In recent months there has been an increase in underhanded tactics employed by extremists targeting Sikhs at universities. However, the Gurdwara Sahibs have so far been free of any such extremists. One of the Gurdwara Sahib’s mentioned on the forum is Leicester.

spoke to some youth at Guru Tegh Bahadur Gurdwara in Leicester;

“The Gurdwara Sahib is open to all, regardless of colour and faith. But if anyone wishes to enter these premises with wrong or evil intentions – we will not hesitate in kicking their ***, pardon my Panjabi!!” says Rajinder Singh.

Bibi Jasvir Kaur who regularly helps with Guru Ka Languar Sewa said,

“Its frightening to think that they would do this in a Gurdwara, we will all have to extra vigilant”

Post from 

Assalaamu Alaykum, 

i am shortly to be moving to Leicester which has a large sikh population so have begun to examine their faith so i can give them dawah insha'allah.i believe i have found several obvious flaws that i could use to show their religion as being false and as long as my own faith is strong enough so i am not in danger do you think it would be allowable to visit the sikh temple to call them towards islam?i understand the sikhs keep a communial kitchen that only serves vegetarian food, these communial meals are supposed to be open to all of every faith. is it allowable for me to attend this and eat with them for the purposes of calling them towards islam? 

Assalaamu Alaykum, 

Abu Abdullah 

Calls to Re-establish Sher-e-Panjab Leadership! 
Original Sher-e-Panjab Headhunters speak out against Inter-Sikh Fighting 
24th May 2007 
UK Panjabi-Sikh youth led a meeting in Smethwick on Sunday evening to address the problems facing UK Sikh youth. 
It was attended prominent figures from the Panjabi-Sikh community including original Sher-e-Panjab hierarchy and Babbar Khalsa members.

Calls were made to re-establish vigilante group Sher-e-Panjab, which was officially disbanded in 1997. Since 1997 the name Sher-e-Panjab (SP) has been hijacked by hooligans who have damaged the work previously undertaken by SP. 

This was one of the key factors that led to the recent Handsworth Vaiskahi Mela riot. 
An original SP Headhunter spoke to Sarabha Panjab 
“We started SP back in the 70’s to combat violence and intimidation facing the Panjabi-Sikh community. Many brave young men stood up to racist skinhead attacks and later on fanatic Muslims. We never bowed down to either one.” 

“Once SP gained the respect of the community and was feared by racists, we had everyone trying to jump on the bandwagon. Before we knew it, every tom, dick and harry claimed to be SP”

“The aim was to protect our community but it became connected with hooliganism, crime and the drug scene!” 
“That’s when we officially disbanded SP, and I think because of that the Panjabi-Sikh community suffered. With a steady increase in racist attacks and abuse of Sikh girls, I have been requested many times by the youth to re-establish SP”

“The violence and bloodshed at the recent Vaiksahi Mela demonstrated the lack of leadership and respect within the Panjabi-Sikh community. Inter-fighting is weakening our spirit, we need to unite.”

The meeting addressed some key points: 
Sexual exploitation of Sikh girls at hands of Extremist Muslims 
Hate-preaching against Sikhs 
UK Sikh youth agreed all points need to be addressed for the protection of the Panjabi-Sikh communty and the Sikh Faith.

A follow-up meeting is expected next month. 
History shows the Sikh Panjabi Nation has never bowed down to tyranny and injustice. The glorious past of Khalsa army under the command of Shah-e-Shenshah Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji demonstrated unity between all those who opposed injustice. Irrelevant if you are Mohna, Keshdari, Amritdar etc. 

Sikh youth must unite under the banner of the Nishaan Sahib.
Soora so pahchaniye, je lade deen ke het,
Purja-purja kat mare, kabhu na chhade khet.
One who fights against the injustice and for the poor is the one who is brave, he may be cut into pieces but must not leave the field.

Gangs Clash!

Three men were injured as youth gangs fought in Bradford on Friday night. About 10 Panjabi Sikh youth made their way to a council estate in Bradford, Yorkshire, where they believed a Panjabi girl was kept against her will and being exploited by a gang of perverted Pakistani Muslim men.

It follows the mysterious disappearance of Miss “S” from Derby University, where she was studying for a Master’s Degree.
Worried family and friends said she became “distant” over the few weeks leading to her disappearance.
Sikh students on campus were alarmed to see her driven around by local Pakistani drug pushers in the early hours of the night.
“I have known her (Miss “S”) for 3 years, she has always been sensible and kept good company. We are all very concerned about her safety, said a fellow student.

After speaking to the girl’s parents, Panjabi Sikh youth were convinced that this was another case of blackmail, brainwashing or manipulation by predatory Pakistani Muslim men. The whereabouts of Miss “S” was traced to a flat in Bradford.

“We went there with the intention of speaking to Miss “S”, just to see if she was okay, but were nevertheless prepared to meet violent opposition” said Teja Singh, who was present during the confrontation,
“We were greeted with racist abuse by one man, and within 5 minutes three cars full of youth showed up, that’s when things got a bit ugly. After a few initial exchanges of words, it kicked off. We fought and chased them down the main road, and dispersed when the police arrived” explained Teja Singh.

“It’s not about childish street gang fights or about dominance, I don’t give a crap about all that. I will not stand by while our Sikh sisters are being exploited! I would have done the same if the gang were of any race. We are not racist, we are just protecting our sisters from perverts” said another youth present that evening.

Miss “S” made contact with her family that night and members of her family picked her up from Bradford in the early hours of Saturday morning.

With increasing cases of racially-motivated grooming and sexual-exploitation of Panjabi girls by extremist Muslim Men, Sikh students are being told to be vigilant, especially of:

Non-Sikhs wearing Kara’s, fake names or fake identities on the Internet.

Drug Rape Drug
A common entrapment method; do not leave your drink unattended in bars/clubs.

Panjabi Girls Groomed for Sex!  Racially-Motivated Sexual-Exploitation 
The grooming of Panjabi girls for sex by predatory Muslim men is an increasing problem for the Panjabi community, with this vile practise taking place throughout towns and cities across Britain.

According to Hindu and Sikh Support groups and community leaders, girls as young as 13 have been targeted by gangs of mainly Pakistani-Muslim men. These men initially engage in seemingly innocent relationships with ‘Kuffr’ girls (non-Muslim). These girls are showered in attention and lured with gifts, drinks and cigarettes.

“The process is very common,” says Miss Patel, a youth counsellor working within the Hindu community,

“It starts with young lads who roam outside colleges and schools in fancy cars. Once relationships are formed with these girls, the abuse begins. 

They introduce the girls to drink and drugs. ‘Date-Rape’ drug (GHB) is also widely used.
Nude pictures are taken and then the girl is told that these pictures will be shown to her parents if she does not obey they’re orders. 

We have known girls passed for sex to the boys uncles and cousins, even through Taxi ranks!”

Looking outside of the Indian community, the grooming of white girls for prostitution by Muslim Gangs has been previously highlighted.

Lancashire Police revealed in 2006 that, around 50 East Lancashire victims aged under 16 had been identified by special police and social services teams set up to combat the menace but they believe as many as 100 could be involved. 

Despite all the victims being white and the perpetrators from Muslim Pakistani community Lancashire Police denied this was a “racist issue”. Supt Neil Smith said:
"This is not a racist issue. It is about the exploitation of vulnerable young girls for sex."

With increasing cases of ‘Racially-Motivated Sexual-Exploitation’ by Muslim gangs in the UK, what motivates these men to commit such vile acts?

investigated some of the Hate-preaching that takes place in some extremist Madrasa’s (Islamic learning centres) across the country.

“In Islam, keeping the virginity is the highest asset that a Muslim woman could possess. There is no sin as despicable as that of losing the virginity before a woman is married. For men it is a different story altogether. It is encouraged for unmarried Muslim men to be engaged in sex with Kuffr and infidel women but not with free Muslim women”

As explained by ‘Ali’ an ex-Muslim who witnessed Hate-Preaching at an East London Madrasa.

Surat Al-Nisa 4:3:

“The above mentioned verse also permits the Muslim to have sex with his slave girls, which the Quran call "that which your right hand possess”

Islam allows four wives at the same time and an unlimited number of concubines (mistresses) Emperor Jehangir of India had one wife (Nur Jehan) and 6000 concubines. Concubines are ‘kuffr’ women or girls, strictly used for sex.

‘Al-Taqiyya’ literally means: Concealing or disguising one's beliefs, convictions, ideas or feelings.

It is based on Qur'an verses 3:28 and 16:106 as well as hadith, tafsir literature, and juridical commentaries

“Muslims can apply ‘Al Taqqiya’ to relationships, therefore it is permissible to lie to a woman to persuade her, make her feel good or keep her quiet. It is permissible in Islam that Taqqiya can be used to allow a Muslim to gain any advantage over a Kuffr”

“It allows Muslims to say things like ‘I Love you’, ‘You are so Beautiful’ to form relationships, with the intention to keep them as concubines or convert them down the line”

Violence, Abuse & Isolation:  The Secret Lives of the ‘Kaffur’ Wives to British Pakistani Men

Across the country many Pakistani men engage in relationships with non-Pakistani girls. The majority of these girls assume they hold a genuine long-term relationship and possibility of marriage.

In recent years it has been well documented these girlfriends are usually kept as short-term pre-marital ‘flings’. Once a family instructed arranged-marriage has been conducted these girlfriends are abandoned.

But what happens to those who are not abandoned, and do end up marrying these men? 
spoke to ‘Seema’ (real name was not disclosed)

Seema spoke about her 5-year marriage living with her ex-husband Amir and his parents in a small house in the north of England.

Seema, tell us about how the relationship began.

Seema: We met at college when I was 17 years old. I guess it was your typical story of girl meets boy. I fell for him straight away. He was kind, considerate and a charmer. His mates would all look after me, pick me up from college in their cars and basically looked out for me. I loved the attention, although I did often wonder if it would work due to our different religious backgrounds.
He always assured me that it will never be an issue and that we were made for each other.

How did the relationship progress?

Well after college Amir started working in his dads take-away and I went off to uni. I was living away from my hometown, which gave me the freedom to see him whenever I wanted. He would stay round my flat and everything seemed ok.
Into my second year of uni the relationship turned sour. He began cheating on me. I had other girls calling me saying they found my number in his mobile phone. He would show up at my flat drunk and demand sex. I felt like a toy being used. But my self-pride got the better of me, I still thought I could change him and make him into the person I first met.
He had a way with words; he always assured me that I was the only one for him when he needed me…(pause) and I always fell for it.

How did you get married?

Seema: I knew his parents wanted him to marry a Pakistani girl and that they were eager to seen him married. Then he went to Pakistan and when he came back he said he had been introduced to a girl. This is when reality hit home. I was about to lose the love of my life. I plucked up the courage to tell my father. My mother had passed away when I was young. I already knew how he would react. He was deeply disappointed, he told me he wanted to meet my boyfriend to see what kind of person he is. I Invited Amir to meet him, but he never did. Few months later we had a registry wedding. No one from my family attended, it was just his mates and his parents.

How was married life?

Seema: For 5 years I lived an isolated life. I was beaten regularly, raped and mocked by all his relations. They would call me racist names and would mock my family and their traditions.

My family didn't know about it because I was always putting up this front to cover up.
I contacted the Police on two occasions but I never had the courage to follow it up. His brothers and cousins were all told to keep a look out in case I left.

How did you eventually break out?

Seema: I got hold of an asian women’s refuge centre. The representative was understanding and gave me the courage to leave.

How is life now?

Seema: Now I work for the very centre that saved my life. I owe them everything, and I am helping other women in similar circumstances.

Seema says she sees many victims who are facing similar abuse to what she faced. Her advice;

“Young women should be educated into the possible dangers of relationships from a young age. The Hindu and Sikh community need to highlight and tackle the serious problem of ‘racial grooming’ more actively.”

Sikh University Students Targeted by Muslim Extremists!! 

Coventry University furore erupted within the Sikh and wider Indian community over how the Student Guild, an academic body, allowed an event which is in direct breach of UK legislation by inciting religious hatred in the Sikh and Hindu communities as well as racial hatred in the wider Indian community.

It is alleged that in the meeting, a youngster called 'Aman Dhaliwal' (a former Sikh) announced he was no longer a Sikh and had now embraced Islam and strongly encouraged others to do likewise. Sources say leaflets and literature were distributed with the same intent. The same group of extremists have appeared at Islamic Societies across the UK. This is a flyer for an event distributed in Central London:

Joanne Thomas, General Manager, claimed that "Coventry University Students’ Union is conducting a thorough investigation of this matter".

The conversion tactics of extremists resembles a group called Al-Muhajiroun, which is currently underground in the UK. In previous years the group organised similair large events wherein previous non-Muslims would criticise and denounce their faith and exclaim why they embraced Islam. At the last official event organised by the group in 2004, similair furore was created and members of the Sikh, Hindu and wider Indian community peacefully protested in London against the incitement of hatred. Thousands of members of the BNP also protested although their protest was less peaceful.

Islamic extremist groups have utilised University Islamic Societies for many years, with the Police and University authorities only talking but with little action in reality. Last November, Higher Education minister Bill Rammell stated University campuses had become focal points for Islamic extremism.


Sikh Boys Attacked by 20 Strong Muslim Gang!

A YOUNG man has been critically wounded, after being attacked on Saturday evening by a gang of Muslim men, in West Bromwich.

Three young Sikh left the Guru Har Rai Gurdwara where they regularly attend the Sikh Naujawan Academy (SNA).

“The three boys left the Gurdwara, one of them went into the local shop while two of them waited outside” said Sukhdev Singh, from SNA.
“they are all very decent boys, last year they ran a summer camp. There was no reason for this gang to attack them”

“The young man who has been hospitalised has no personal vendettas, he was badly beaten and today he is under going surgery”

The boys walked from the Gurdwara to the local shops in The Parade, West Bromwich, the attack happened outside the newsagents Premier.

“The attack was brutal, one of the two people hurt has his mouth smashed with a metal bar, he has lost his teeth and gums, he cannot eat or talk properly” said Manjit Singh from 5 K’s Foundation in Oldbury, Birmingham.

“He is such a lovely person who I have known for three years, he does Kirtan, and is a very supportive person”

“The other person attacked is badly bruised, but thankfully he is not hospitalised”
“This type of attack leaves the community very venerable. We are calling for calm, but dialogue amongst the community leaders is paramount”

The 5 K’s Foundation has a relationship with other communities in the area “We work with other communities to build a cohesive relationship, but there are some individuals that have different agenda” said Baljit Singh, Manager of 5 K’s foundation.

“The nature of this attack does allege that it may have a racial motive, given that 20 Muslim Youths attacked three unarmed Sikh youths”

“We are working with the police and maintaining calm. We understand some youth have been arrested and are in police custody”

West Midlands police have confirmed “We are investigating an insistent that occurred on Saturday afternoon, in West Bromwich, in which two youths were injured. One seventeen, the injuries are not life threatening the other sixteen who incurred minor injuries” 

Race hate fear over attacks on Sikhs

By Nick Britten
Telegraph Media Group

POLICE and community leaders say they are struggling to contain racial tensions in Derby after a young Sikh was badly hurt when ambushed by a gang of Muslims carrying hammers and crowbars.

Harjit Singh Sandhu, 22, was in hospital with a broken leg, ankle and nose and cuts to his face and head after being attacked for 20 minutes in the Normanton area on Monday.

About 50 Sikh youths went on to the streets to protest at the rising number of assaults by Muslim youths, but were dispersed by police. A fortnight ago Rhadika Shukla, 15, suffered a fractured skull when a Muslim gang rampaged through her school, attacking pupils and staff with hammers and axes and smashing windows.

A group called the Youth Muslims Organisation has been seen stirring trouble and gangs have been spotted roaming the streets chanting Osama bin Laden's name since September 11. The authorities fear an explosion of violence as Sikhs and Hindus retaliate.

Harninder Singh, a close friend of Mr Sandhu, said: "It was a totally unprovoked attack and the worst thing was he ran into a few Muslim shops for help and received none. When they had finished he was absolutely covered in blood. I was with him last Wednesday when Muslim lads mounted the pavement and tried to run him over."

As appeals went out for calm, Gurmel Bolla, the vice-president of the Sikh temple in Derby, said community leaders were trying to keep a lid on the simmering violence, but were struggling. An emergency steering group has been convened for the communities, the police and the local council.

Police said: "Community leaders are doing everything they can." Two men had been arrested and were being questioned about the assault on Mr Sandhu, they added.

British Indian girls tricked into prostitution

South Asia News Agency SANA 

Lahore Pakistan - Gullible young girls from as far as the Middle East, India and UK are being forced into prostitution after being lured by organised syndicates promising them glamorous careers and lucrative jobs, a humans rights group has said. 

“Some are the girlfriends of these men, such as the cases we have had from the UK. These girls think they are going on holiday or honeymoon to visit his friends and family” 

"The situation is extremely serious with smart operators hunting for good looking young girls for modelling assignments or jobs in call centres with good salaries," said Hasina Kharbih, chairperson of Impulse NGO Network, a rights group working in rescuing women trafficked. 

"But in reality, many of these women were pushed into the notorious world of prostitution." 

Impulse activists recently rescued at least four young girls from Lahores ‘Heera Mandi’ district. "The girls were Hindus from Northeast India and were lured by agents who promised them good modelling roles and handsomely paid jobs in call centres," Kharbih says.

"We were told by these rescued girls that there were more women from the northeast in the flesh trade racket who were trapped with such baits." 

A new craze for careers in modelling among teenagers in India', spurred by television and newspaper advertisements, is being cited as reasons for traffickers wooing unsuspecting Indian girls into their net. 

The Story of a British Panjabi girl who was tricked into prostitution

My story started when I was 16 years old living in Handsworth, we had just finished our last GCSE exams. To celebrate, we all decided to go to a bhangra gig during the day, as we knew we would not have been allowed to go in the night. There were 4 of us, best of friends, we decided to go, although we knew we would get into trouble if are parents found out, but we thought that we "only live once" and as it was a special occasion, so we went. 

This was the first time any one of us had done something like this, it was an experience. 

When we got there we could not believe how many people our age were there from all over Birmingham, all Asian! I was shocked more than my friends, there were people drunk, boys/girls smoking, this was the new generation of Asians enjoying the western world freedoms. I remember saying to my friends, "We need to stick together, no matter what happens", we honestly did not know what was going to happen once we were inside. 

Once we got in, they were playing some old bhangra tune? The whole place was packed with "apnaay". Everyone was just so chilled out, it was unbelievable. We got to a side of the club, and just stood there staring at every one dancing and flirting. About an hour later, we were approached by this really nice looking guy, came over to my mate and started chatting, we then noticed the "Kara" on his arm so we assumed it was ok to chat to him, his name was "Mick". We were then introduced to his mates, all of them were really smart and good looking. And we were enjoying this mingling with boys for the first time, we felt both scared and excited, because we had never done this before. 

They brought us drinks, and encouraged us to have some alcohol, something we all strongly at that time refused, but once we paired up and went our separate ways everything changed (I never saw my friends again until a couple hours later, dancing with some strangers, and they were not themselves. I could not believe it, they were drunk! We justified dancing the way we were as we always danced at wedding parties.) I went over to them to see what had happened, they totally ignored me and encouraged me to drink which I then did. My dad would drink a lot so I assumed it be ok). 

We left the club at the end, it was about 4 o' clock, I remember thinking how the hell are we going to get home? We were giggling, And we were late and drunk. I knew my gran would, phone my mum at work if I did not get home in the next 20mins, (I was normally home about 3:50pm, and it was already ten past four, I was in the middle of Birmingham City centre, 40mins away from home by bus!! I was so scared, I knew I was going to get into serious trouble once I got home, and I smelt strongly of smoke and alcohol. My dad was going to kill me. We did not know what to do? Then the guys, who we were dancing in the club, came over and asked us if we were alright? or if we needed anything?, i.e. a lift home, because we were so desperate, we said yes. 

They dropped us home, we exchanged numbers and they went. I got slapped that day, my dad went absolutely mad, because I had lied, went to a club, danced with boys and got drunk! The whole family was really upset. I remember thinking I will never do anything like this again. My friends got the same treatment. 

It was not until a couple of weeks later, that some one kept ringing my house number, anonymous caller, and my gran, bless her, would go over to answer the phone, but no reply. Then one day, as my gran was cooking my roti, the phone rang and I answered, it was that guy from the club. I didn't know what to do. I was scared and yet anxious to what might happen. He wanted us to meet up again, he wanted to know how we were? This was going to be my first relationship. I got to know "Abs" over the next couple of months, we would arrange, the best times for him to call me, it was exciting, no one knew about him, I felt needed and loved. He was 18 at the time, and I had just turned 16. He drove a really nice car and worked for his uncle, in I.T. 

It got to a stage were we would meet up in the middle of the night, I would sneak out of my house, he would pick me up at the bottom of my street, and we would go everywhere together. I was loving every minute of it and every time we would not see each other, I felt like dying, I was truly in love with him. I did notice that he was not Punjabi, he dressed different to normal Punjabi boys that age, and he didn't drink and smoke. He knew a lot of Muslims, but I decide to ignore that fact, as I was having the time of my life. 

I had a funny feeling he was Muslim, but he wore a Kara? and I never had the courage to ask him, because I didn’t want to ruin anything between us. But finally that day came when he revealed that he must go to the mosque, I was taken back, I didn’t know how to respond, my boyfriend was a Muslim, and I loved him too much to let him go. I asked him about his name, his nickname was Abs. he had told me his name was Harbinder, but in fact his name was Yasseen. 

This was a distressing situation, he had lied to me and led me on to believe he was Sikh, but was in fact a Muslim. I confronted him, I asked him, you knew I was a Sikh, then why did you get into this relationship with me? He answered my question with a question, does it matter? And I remember replying "No" after a few minutes, I thought to myself he's not your typical Muslim, and he has treated me with respect. 

It was a hard time, I felt like breaking up with him, he was a Muslim, it wouldn't work? But I could not help it, he loved me, I loved him, and I kept reminding myself, he was different, and all those good times we had during the start of our relationship. 

So we decided to give it a shot, (what fool I was), we would spend a lot of time together, he got me job at his uncle’s firm, they all treated me with respect although I was a Sikh, and all of them were Muslim, they were so nice to me. I felt wanted and at home with me boyfriends family. 

We saw each other for over 2 year's (all through collage) and then came the time for me to leave my home and go to university, I went out of town a good few hours away, I wanted to live as far as away from my family as possible, as they were the obstacle, in my life from him. I had stopped wearing my Kara and my gold khanda necklace. I also stopped going to the Gurdwara, because I did not want to offend him, and I would use that time instead to be with him. I loved him and would do anything for him, anything. 

At university. Things got a bit serious, I lived in halls first, but everyone would look at me and call me names to my face and behind my back, they even trashed my flat twice!! All because I was going out with a Muslim, I would try to explain to them, he was different and he loved me, they would not have none of it, I felt so bad, he had to go through a lot because of me. This was a really bad experience for me, and I felt vulnerable and weak. Things started to change a lot during the first few weeks at my university. 

I quit uni, and moved into a flat with him, he got me another job, and again his cousin helped us financially. I never told my parents that I had done this, they would phone me, I would say everything was going excellent, and I would lie to them. 

During this time, I started to stop going home, I would say that I had too much uni work to do, and so I couldn’t come home. Then, I stopped answering my phone from my family and friends, because I knew all they would say is to stop seeing him, and come home etc. so I changed my number, that's not the only thing I changed, a few months later I changed my name! 

We were happy together, we were in love, we were made for each other!! A few months later I even changed my faith, I became a Muslim, I was happy then to finally be apart of something that was so great, everyone loved me, and I was finally at home and peace. Islam then offered everything to me, it made sense and was the truth, Sikhism had to many flaws in it, or that is what I was told, and I believed everything he said, it all made sense, Sikhism was a man-made religion, it believed in caste (we had Gurdwara made on caste) we would make our women dance half naked on bhangra video's, while Islam would teach us to cover the women because she is so precious, like an diamond. I was duped, I knew nothing about Sikhism, my parents never told me, and I never learnt anything at the Gurdwara, never understood what the Granthi's were saying. And as a result I believed everything he told me. 

We then decided to get married, but he said we should go to Pakistan to that, because his sisters were there, and they were all dying to meet me! So I agreed, we went. The year was 1994, I was 19 years old. 

What I am about to tell you now, is the most disturbing part of my life, I have had to receive medical treatment from Doctor's on a regular basis for a long period, due to this. I would like to say something before I continue, what I am about to tell you, is no exaggeration in any way, this is exactly how it happened, and the metropolitan police are well aware of it. 

Whilst I was on the flight over to Pakistan, I was so excited, I was finally going to get married to the love of my Life, I never thought about my family or friends, as I had everything I ever needed through him. And because I was taught to believe that they were the devil, they will take me to hell, and I did not want to go there. 

When we reached Pakistan, there were a few people there to greet us, I had worn the hi-jab, as a sign of respect to my new in-laws and faith. They were so happy to see me. We were then herded into a 4x4, and then of we went to meet the rest of Yasseen's family. 

We were driving for a few hours, and I was absolutely worn out. We then stopped at what seemed to be a police station or the local sheriff's office, the luggage was taken out of the jeep, and these men came and took the luggage away, Yasseen came over and took my personal belongings, everything, my passport, money even my toothbrush, he said the police wanted to check our things, in case we were smuggling drugs, I remember laughing at first, but when I looked at his face, he was deadly serious, I gave him everything and then I was taken to a room, where I was told to wait. They asked Yasseen questions. 

It seemed like ages, while I waited in that room, on my own. I was getting very worried for Yasseen. During this time, two more cars and a jeep had come to this police station. Finally, a middle aged man came over and started to ask me personal questions. I had trouble understanding what he was saying, he spoke so fast, in Urdu. I kept asking him to take me to Yasseen. He said "Yasseen has gone", those three words stopped my heart beating, I was alone in a remote village in Pakistan, with no belongings and locked up a room. I did not know what to think? What was happening? This was not supposed to happen? Where had Yasseen gone? I cried, and pleaded with the men there to take me to Lahore, they would simply laugh at me and beat me.

For a few days, I did not eat or sleep, I was disorientated, and I did not know what to do? I became ill, I was very weak, a doctor was called, he gave me some medicine, with which all I did was sleep. The next thing I remember was, when I woke up in a room, with a small barred window, and a small door. This door was locked from the outside, I started to scream, a women cam rushing over. I was relieved for a moment that women had come over to my aid, until she started to shout at me and curse me. I didn't know what was going on. I just sat there in that small, cold room, with blank mind. 

By now I had realized, I was not going home and Yasseen was not coming to my rescue. The building I stayed at was 3 storeys, and was very big. It must have had more than 30 rooms. It was the only building there, there was nothing anywhere around this building, just fields and 1 tarmac road. It was a brothel. 

I was not alone there were 3 other girls (Sikh) that were in the same situation as me. We were all kept on the top floor, we were all given one room each. The other girls had been there longer than me, we would get a chance to speak during the night. They told me of their stories and how they got here, they sounded familiar. It would be very cold during the night. They told me, on the 3rd day, what happens here. This where, the locals came to enjoy themselves. I was very frightened. 

This is where they would come to quench their desires. I remember how they treated us, they would treat us like animals, they would rape us, and then spit on our faces after they were done. It was a living nightmare, with no escape. 

I spent 15 months here, over that period of time, I have seen 36 more girls been brought here, I have some commit suicide and some taken away by rich businessmen who would use them in their own brothels. I saw and lived in HELL, I saw young girls being raped, I herd the screams of these girls and their frustration, that no one would help them. I saw this with my own eyes, and no-one ever helped us. 

A time came when me and another girl, got the opportunity to escape, we had been taken to a local tribesman’s house, a fight had broken out, in his house, the confusion gave us an opportunity to escape, we took a jeep, and set out on the roads, we didn’t know where we were going, we just went, where ever the road took us. We got close to a town Called Eminabad, here we informed the police of what had happened to us, they helped us, we were handed over to the British embassy and sent back to the UK. 

Once back in the UK, the police tried to hand us back to our families, OUR OWN families had disowned us, my family told me to go away, that I had brought shame to the family name, I tried to apologise, and they would not accept it. I even tried to get help form the Gurdwara, they said they could not help us. We had to go back to the police, who then put us in a witness protection programme. The year is 1996, I was then 21. 

We both were given a new chance to start a fresh, the police helped us a great deal. In the programme we were given a place to stay and they gave us new jobs, to rebuild our lives. 

I am now 29, married and have a 3 year old girl. I re-initiated into Sikhism in 1998, me and my friend, we took Amrit and took an active role to combat what had happened to us and help others in the same situation. 

There is not a single second that goes by, without me thinking about those poor girls locked up in Pakistan. I have been scared for life. But I must do everything I can to try to create awareness to help those girls that scream every night and go through that abuse. I am thankful to the Police who are trying to help those girls, but I think we as a community need to do much more. 

We must come out of hiding, and face the danger these girls now face. But what we find is a really negative attitude employed by all parties, the families, Gurdwara and the girls, to do anything about this. I know what happened to me and what is still happening to those that are in Pakistan. 

Accordingly to the latest figures, there are 300 girls there right now, facing constant abuse, who are getting drugged up everyday and then raped. One of them is your relative!! Just keep that I mind, your cousin who you have not seen for over 3 years, went to university and never came back!

Brothels In Pakistan where UK Indian girls have ended up

When you ask your uncle and auntie, where is your cousin who you nor your family have seen for so long, you get the reply, that she has brought a house there and she has found herself a good job, and so she is constantly busy. I beg you please stop these lies, please help my sisters' in Pakistan, who no-one helps, their families are too scared, or they don't know where she is? 

We must put a stop to this, I saw what is happening there, believe me, I do not even wish this to happen my enemies, when you see a young girl being raped by savages, who beat her and then spit on her.

Those girls need your help! 

NB:  Credit goes to British National Party in Great Britain for the courage shown in exposing the predatory nature of MUSLIM men who target non Muslim girls for sexual exploitation and abuse. They seem to have a kind of encouragement or sanction from their "Holy" Scriptures to GO OUT AND SPREAD THE SEED to overwhelm the population of a country and then carve out an ISLAMIC republic out of it in the fashion of birth of Pakistan itself in 1947.
BNP must be congratulated to put aside "suicidal" political correctness that is meant to turn a BLIND EYE to this silent but DEADLY implosion that is going on with the full connivance of "ruling and fooling" establishment who are not interested in the condition or plight of this country after their office terms are over and they have gone into oblivion.
While awareness about this new predator has spread in the White native population in Britain, WHO is to take up the case of small NON MUSLIM minorities in this country who are vulnerable but have neither a clout here nor a "god father" back home? (In the case of PARTITIONED India, the "god father" is a MOHAMMEDAN called ABDUL KALAM, and "god mother" is an ITALIAN BORN FEMALE called SONIA MAINO, since NO NATIVE HINDU MAN OR WOMAN IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE TOP POST AND POSITION RESPECTIVELY IN THE LAND.)
Again, one must look up to a brave and patriotic BNP to take up the issue SERIOUSLY and publicise it widely. 
"There was a poisonous stream downhill that was blocked by some brave people. But the ocean is still being contaminated as poisonous streams are still flowing into it from OTHER directions." 
The challenge is to block them ALL to keep the IDEOLOGICAL, SOCIAL and POLITICAL ocean clean.
If one was to question, "Who is to tell whether it is poison or nectar, the answer is, SEE THE BIRTH OF PAKISTAN AND DRAW YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS QUICKLY ABOUT THE GANGERENE for which Sind, East Bengal and West Punjab were amputated from MAIN secular body. Also look at those behind the wanton killings in New York & Washington on September 11, 2001 and in London on 7 July 2005."