Date: 30 Sep 2006

Comment //////////// WHY SHOULD THERE BE A NEW MOSQUE IN LONDON, ENGLAND, WHEN THERE CAN BE NO CHURCH OR TEMPLE IN SAUDI ARABIA? ////////////////// Dear Sir,///////// Islam is religion of peace ( we all know the Partition of India in 1947) and therefore the place of religious worship generally has no objection. ///////////// However this Mega Mosque capable of holding 70,000 worshippers has inherent danger and the planning permission for this mosque should be rejected on Health and Safety grounds.///////////// Under the present climate as seen in Iraq, the terrorists' Sunni and Shia have bigger and more lethal Bombs and they are using them to blow each others mosques. ///////////// Imagine such a bomb exploding in the midst of 70,000 congregation with huge loss of life and carnage./////////// The emergency services will not be able to cope and there is no provision to cope with this kind of disaster, also there is no place big enough to bury the dead. /////////// Newham council, and British Government will be very very stupid even if they thought of granting this permission. ////////////// 000000000