Date: 2/28/2006


In a message dated 28/02/2006 15:34:39 GMT Standard Time, writes: ///// The 14th Sikhs who fought so gallantly at Gallipoli sustaining very heavy losses was raised as the Regiment of Ferozepore in 1846.It later became the 14th Ferozepore Sikhs, becoming the 1st Battalion of the 11th Sikh Regiment in 1922 and after Independence the 1st Battalion of the Sikh Regiment.///// It fought most gallantly during the Burma Campaign with Naik Nand Singh winning the Victoria Cross. This brave man was later to win the Maha Vir Chakra posthumously during the First J&K War in 1948.The Battalion were the first Indian troops to land at Srinagar and effectively saved the Kashmir Valley for India beating back Pakistan's tribal invasion.They then became the Indian Army's most highly decorated unit.///// 1st Sikh were merged with the newly formed Mechanised infantry Regiment in 1979 becoming its 4th Battalion and shifting over to an All-India All-Class composition from its 100% Sikh set-up.Recently taking into account the Battalion's unmatched record of valour and achievement it has been made a 100% Sikh unit again. ////// The Ferozepore Sikhs soldier on winning new laurels, steadfast in the country's defence and proud of their matchless history. //// ///// ====================== ///// COMMENT: ///// Thank you for throwing light on Sikh gallantry in previous times. Since PARTITION in 1947, the native "desi" Government under Nehru & Dynasty have not allowed the Sikh troops to bask in the sunshine of their glory. ///// Partition itself was Indian Army's WORST EVER DEFEAT AND SURRENDER. They FAILED to defend all that part of India from Karachi to Gilgit that went to the ENEMY who did not even fire a shot.///// SIKH troops (Patiala Light Infantry) advancing in Kashmir were ordered to withdraw in 1948 from areas captured previously by them after inflicting huge losses on the ISLAMIC invaders. ///// FEARING their victory, Pandit Nehru, secret agent of Islam and hostile to the Sikhs, "ran" to UNO to obtain cease fire. That line now partitions KASHMIR, too, permanently.///// The Indian armed forces could NEVER recover or re-capture North Kashmir.///// Government of India RETURNED our own territory after its capture in 1972. ///// Nehru's daughter, Prime Minister INDIRA "Gandhi" deliberately FAILED to commend her own Secularism to East Bengal (now Bangladesh) that she IMPOSED on East Punjab by GUN twelve years later in 1984. ///// Mercenary Indian armed forces, not allowed or encouraged to face or fight the REAL enemy were sent to crush the Tamils of INDIAN origin in Sri Lanka. ///// The Tamils as the world knows, were not enabled to achieve one hundredth of freedoms that were conceded most gladly and willingly to East Bengalis in 1972 and the North Kashmiris since 1948.///// Even South Kashmir is semi autonomous under Article 370 of Indian Constitution because of its Muslim majority and because of the policy of APPEASEMENT by Government of India.///// Due to Indian hostility towards the Sikhs and the Indian armed forces under old Gandhi's crippling doctrine of non violence and willing surrenders to avoid conflict at all cost, there is NO memorial to the SIKH general, popularly known as the "Hero of Bangladeshi war" in 1972 although there are memorials to every "Gandhi", even to the corrupt BOFORS CHOR (Rajiv "Gandhi") on the very spot where a bomb blew him up on May 21, 1991. He was assassinated by his own people who could not remove him by ballot. ///// I think the TRUTH of today ought to be written down in the MILITARY HISTORY of today's Partitioned India along with the military history of yesterday's United India.///// TODAY'S INDIAN ARMY IS CALLED "EUNUCHS IN UNIFORM" BY MOST INDIANS WHO ARE ASHAMED OF THEIR CEASE FIRES AND SURRENDERS. ///// HOW STUPID OR TREACHEROUS OF THEIR SUPREME COMMANDER ABDUL KALAM TODAY TO TELL THEM, "GIVE THE "BASTARDS" LAHORE BUT NOT SRINAGAR." ///// WHAT DO YOU MAKE OF INDIAN "MONKEY CIRCUS" CALLED LOK SABHA? ///// 28 Feb 06///// ==================///// ...............000000000
