Date: 1/10/2006


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 //// Pakistan still nuclear blackmarket hub //// Press Trust of India //// Washington, Jan 9 Pakistan continues to be the hub of nuclear blackmarket involved in trading surplus goods to other countries despite the uncovering of the proliferation network of disgraced former top scientist A Q Khan two years ago, a report said today citing European intelligence sources. The Khan network may not have been completely put out of action, an unnamed administration official has been quoted as saying by the 'Washington Times.' "It is possible that elements still exist and the US government is certainly aware and looking at this possibility," the official said in an assessment that has not surprised some in the non-proliferation community here. //// "Khan has been pushed aside, but other, younger people have taken over," David Albright, a nuclear analyst tracking the A Q Khan network at the Institute of Science and International Security told the daily. //// European intelligence agencies have come to the conclusion that Pakistan continues to procure - including from Europe- far beyond its needs, the daily said. //// It is believed that there are as many as 20 Pakistani government offices, laboratories, companies and trading organisations that are actively involved in the procurement effort with the end users being front companies of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission or the trading firms that are active on beh alf of Islamabad. "In developing its nuclear installations, Pakistan depended on deliveries of equipment from abroad, particularly from Europe," according to an intelligence assessment of July 2005, which noted that there have been attempts since 2004 at procurement with the range of materials bought going "clearly beyond" Pakistani requirement for spare parts." //// URL: //// .....................000000000
