Date: 11/29/2005


LETTER TO Editor, The Sunday Telegraph, London./// 28 November 2005./// / THE PLIGHT OF CELLAR GIRLS/// Sir,/// We praise your courage and farsighted political correctness in highlighting the “plight of the cellar girls” in this so-called civilized Britain (Sunday Telegraph, November 27, 2005, p. 1). /// The fact is that it is neither a decent Britain now, nor an honourable one. It is Tony Blair’s Britain. It is Labour’s Britain. It is Britain heading towards incompetence, chaos and anarchy. It is going along the route of appeasement due to intimidation by the rising tide of home grown Muslim Menace like the confused England of Chamberlaine in 1930’s. /// In dark Middle Ages, when India was at the mercy of Muslim invaders and predators from Arabia, Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan, native HINDU girls were snatched and abducted by force and carted off to Kabul, Kandahar and Ghazni to be stripped naked and auctioned in public. Many were kept in dark cellars like the ones discovered in London now for sexual gratification of their captors. (Quote: “The Sunday Telegraph finds young women hidden in concrete bunkers by Albanian sex gangs, ready to be sold to countries including Britain.” (Unquote). You refrained from defining the “Albanians” as MUSLIMS (of Turkish origin). /// The Hindus in India, led by cowards and holy men, were disunited and could not defend their daughters and sisters from the barbarians (712, through to 1192, right up to 1947, and to date). /// It was SIKH Resistance in the Punjab then that parted company with the cowardly decomposing Hindu nation in order to block the route of the Muslim invaders to rescue the girls. In today’s decadent, (morally) decomposing, Labour controlled Britain the Sikh SWORD is blunt. The onus now lies on the British POLICE and PUBLIC, instead, to rescue these wretched girls, doomed to sex slavery. Their plight is a blot on the high image and fair name of this country. /// What is the nature of this new but rapidly increasing breed of racketeers, seducers, abductors, rapists and drug pushers? If they are lumped under the word “ASIAN”, we need to ask, “What element of the vast and varied Asian world are these Asians?” /// Is it not time at last to EXPOSE the evil “Asian” element to raise public awareness, especially of girls at schools and universities? We ought to have realized by now that they, too, are targets of Muslims, and are easier to get than these wretched East European girls who are bought, or seduced, and then brought a long way, bribing or defying police checks and border controls. /// It is the MUSLIM element that bombed the tubes and wrecked the bus in London on July 7 last, and we fear, will poison the water supply of a town, explode a nuclear device, set off more bombs, burn down a church, assassinate public figures, push more drugs into hands of children, seduce and abduct more girls, and destroy prominent public buildings and centres of trade & commerce. /// It is the MUSLIM element that will require more and more national resources to educate them, especially their females, accommodate and appease them, keep an eye on their illegal businesses, on the mistreatment of females, guard sensitive defence installations and airports, prevent manipulation of votes at elections, check addresses where they stay in Islamic countries, look at certain verses in the Koran that call for extermination of “infidels and non believes” (that is, the rest of the society, even the Queen), and keep them under surveillance at all times. /// We urge the media to discard the BURQA of “political correctness” and add the word “MUSLIM” or “MOHAMMEDAN” every time they use the neutral, non denominational terminology, like “Albanians”, “Pakistanis”, “Turks”, “Somalis”, “gang masters”, “pimps”, “drug barons”, “mafia”, “Bangladeshis” and so on./// Finally, why is the nature of British society being altered so radically and so suddenly to the detriment and disadvantage of Church of England but in favour of Islam? Why are the feelings and fears of the rest of society being ignored? Why is the entire history of Islam and its confrontation with Secularism and Christianity over centuries being ignored all of a sudden? /// Why are history books being “sanitized” to prove Islam as the “religion of peace”? Where on earth is it peaceful? In Beslan? In Kashmir? In Afghanistan? In Iran? In Northern Cyprus? In World Trade Centre Towers in New York? In Karachi? On the doomed London bus? In Albania? WHERE? /// We are sure the government is not so naïve or ignorant about the real nature of the “Islamic time bomb” that is being presented to us wrapped up in soft silk and cuddly cotton. /// It was Labour Party in power in 1947 that destroyed the world’s largest democracy in order to create the world’s largest restless, turbulent and violent ISLAMIC country on earth after giving death blow to Secularism and multicultural of India in 1947. Islamic poison then quickly flowed out of Pakistan like volcanic lava to kill peace in Kashmir and produce the evil of Taliban in Afghanistan. Now the same poison is oozing out into the United Kingdom as we clearly saw on July 7 last./// Clement Attlee’s government must have recorded somewhere for posterity, “We deliberately set the Islamic wolves free in West Punjab and East Bengal and saw them pounce upon their unsuspecting non Muslim neighbours and fellow citizens immediately. These bloodthirsty beasts in human form did thorough ethnic cleansing of minorities, killing at least TWO MILLION and abducting and raping at least five times the number of helpless females that were raped by the advancing Soviet troops in Poland and East Germany during 1944 and 1945.”/// So why is Labour Party of today letting in the same Muslim Fifth Column that is ideologically at odds with Christian values? Why is the Muslim image being cultivated and elevated in the UNITED Kingdom by the ruling party here that shares its ideology with the Nehru Dynasty in the Disunited (PARTITIONED) India? If one is to go by the tragedy of India, then this country, too, will not remain UNITED for long./// Today we have reached the low point where if the Muslims ask the government and other public bodies and authorities to jump, the latter ask, “:How high?” /// In every aspect of life, from Education to Health and Social services, the Muslims are being allowed to articulate, state and “dictate” their special needs and separatist requirements that are at odds with those of the other Britons and “Asians”. /// During the days when Muslims were “breaching defences” and entering this country by all means- sea, lorry, trailer, train and aircraft, Immigration and Police officers were hard put to test, to keep Britain “Muslim free”.//// What an irony, the man chosen for guarding the entry points and interests of this nation was a BLIND Mr. David Blunkett, whose personal life is shattered to the point of being wretched and pathetic, calling for pity. In his highly disturbed state of mental agitation over the legitimacy or otherwise of his own child, he could hardly concentrate on the large scale influx of illegal Muslims that took place during his days in office. We believe that like the unscrupulous and despicable Home Minister Boota Singh under corrupt and autocratic Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, the discredited David Blunkett was the special choice of Prime Minister Tony Blair in this country. It was betrayal of this nation and public trust.//// With the government gone 180 degrees on political correctness, who will tell us, “Muslims are not only here to stay but also to breed and eventually force the others OUT.”? //// Muslims are here to multiply, ruining the quality of life for all, not only for themselves. Muslims are here to demand more and more concessions, and, using their collective clout, intimidate the media, the government, the police forces and the non Muslims, even the Church of England. Today only one radical Islamic group has declared the Queen to be infidel, fit for assassination. Tomorrow it will be the lot. The Pakistani suicide gang leader was not speaking on that video for himself alone. He was as loyal to his own family as the Jihadi in Dublin who put his pregnant wife on the plane to Israel with a bomb in her luggage. //// Muslims are also here to control Britain’s foreign policy and ultimately challenge the Act of Succession which bars a Catholic (and a MUSLIM) from becoming the Sovereign of this country. //// Anyone with a reasonable knowledge of Islam and Koran can see the HIGH TREASON committed by Labour Governemnt in letting them all in, that will cost this country very dearly one day. //// A vigilant and knowledgeable Parliament in London had to demand that the words “Kafir” and “Infidel” be deleted from the copies of Koran that are imported or read in this country. Any curses on the pig and derogatory remarks about women, too, had to be removed from their holy book. It is because of such outmoded and offensive tribal terminology, and the lewd description of paradise, that most non Muslims, especially women (on description of a Paradise full of virgins for Jihadis), regard the Koran vulgar and unholy, if not a warmongering Book of Hatred. //// Please look at the largest democracy on earth, that is, PARTITIONED India, where a Mohammedan, Abdul Kalam, has been given two top posts, of President and Supreme Commander, to appease Islam. The world can see the wretched plight of the HINDU nation that has pandered to every wish & whim of its indigenous Muslim population. One Muslim “bull” seems to be riding ONE BILLION native Hindu “cows”. //// May the manly British people never let such a degrading scenario repeat here. And if we don’t relish the idea of Britain becoming the “concubine” of Islam like Partitioned India, then bold action on the part of patriots is called for NOW. //// Muslims being separatist, and potentially disruptive, aggressive and savage, your esteemed readers would surely like to know their numbers in England once every year. When they approach 40 per cent of the population, civil war or partition will become inevitable.//// Increasing Muslim numbers are very bad news for all the non Muslim host nations who accommodate, feed, nourish and appease them, only to be partitioned, if not destroyed, in the end. ///// We would expect the British people to be vigilant, to guard the secular (Christian) foundations of this country and defend them, and “catch the Islamic bull by its horns” and toss it beyond the sea.///// ..............................000000000
